
Reports and Resources
GCAW has published a new report which summarises the Coalitions’ activities aimed at accelerating progress on raising farm animal welfare standards in global food supply chains. The Global Coalition for Animal Welfare: The First Five Years demonstrates the wide range of welfare issues that its members have engaged on since it was formed in 2018,...
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Company commitments can be powerful drivers for transitioning livestock production to higher welfare systems. Implementing these commitments, however, requires an adaptive approach to overcome myriad challenges. These challenges are both external, including access to supply, regulatory conditions, traceability, and limited purchasing influence, and internal, such as poor integration of animal welfare into internal management systems...
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Laying Hen Welfare Working Group members publish progress towards meeting cage-free egg commitments.
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GCAW members believe that cage systems for laying hens (including battery cages, furnished/enriched cages, and combi-cages used inappropriately) severely restrict behavioural freedom and prevent hens from expressing highly motivated behaviours. In contrast, cage-free systems (including single or multi-level barns or aviaries) allow the expression of a more diverse array of natural behaviour patterns when they...
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